Beautiful russula (Russula sanguinaria)
- Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
- Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
- Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
- Subclass: Incertae sedis (undefined)
- Order: Russulales
- Family: Russulaceae (Russula)
- Genus: Russula (Russula)
- Species: Russula sanguinaria (Beautiful russula)
Russula rosacea
It grows in deciduous forests, mainly with an admixture of birch stands, on sandy soils, in August – September.
The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, fleshy, initially convex, hemispherical, then prostrate, depressed in the center, bright red, uneven color, subsequently fading. The skin hardly separates from the cap. The plates are adherent, white or light cream.
The pulp is white, dense, without a special smell, bitter.
Leg up to 4 cm long, 2 cm thick, straight, sometimes bent, hollow, white or with a pinkish tinge.
Places and times of collection. Most often, the beautiful russula can be found in deciduous forests at the roots of beeches. Much less often it grows in coniferous stands and forests. Loves lime-rich soils. The period of its growth is summer and autumn.
Similarity. It can easily be confused with red russula, which is not dangerous, although in Western literature some burning russula are indicated as poisonous, but after boiling they are suitable for salting.
Beautiful russula – conditionally edible mushroom, 3 categories. The mushroom is of poor quality, but good for use after boiling. The mushroom is tasty only in vinegar marinade or mixed with other mushrooms.
Photo of the mushroom Russula is beautiful from the questions in recognition:
2016.10.31 Evgeniya
2016.10.24 Oksana
2016.08.12 Sergey