A potato baked with mushrooms in its sleeve is soft, fragrant, soaked in mushroom juice and spices. Another plus lies in the fact that using this simple device for cooking, your oven will always stay clean, as grease and juice will not splash on the walls. In order to properly bake potatoes with mushrooms in the sleeve, use the recipes below.
Baked mushrooms with potatoes and other vegetables in the sleeve
Potato with mushrooms and tomatoes in the sleeve
- Potato – 1 kg.
- Carrots (1 pc.) – 120 gr.
- Onion – 1 pc.
- Garlic – 3 tooth.
- Mushrooms – 200 gr.
- Tomato – 1 pc.
- Sour cream 15% – 4 tbsp.
- Dill – 1 tsp
- Salt – 1 tbsp
Peel the potatoes, rinse under water and chop.
Peel the carrots, rinse under water and finely slice.
Peel the onion, rinse under water and chop half rings.
Wash and chop the tomato.
Rinse the mushrooms under water, squeeze well and chop finely.
Peel the garlic and grate on a fine grater.
In order to cook potatoes with mushrooms in the sleeve, in a cup add grated garlic, salt and dill to sour cream. All mix.
Put all the ingredients in one bowl, add sour cream.
All ingredients for the preparation of potatoes with mushrooms in the sleeve mix for baking.
Put potatoes with mushrooms and vegetables in a sleeve.
Tie the sleeve firmly and make 2-3 punctures on top.
Leave to simmer for about 50 minutes.
After 50 minutes, take out the potatoes with mushrooms from the oven, baked in a sleeve, carefully cut it and arrange portioned plates.
Juicy potato with mushrooms and carrots in the sleeve
- 600-700 g of potatoes,
- 40 – 50 g. Dried porcini mushrooms., Can be fresh in season or Champignon,
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion,
- 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil
- 4 tbsp. l not a thick tomato sauce, you can have hot adjika,
- 1 tsp ground black pepper or to taste,
- Salt
If you are using a sleeve for the first time, then do not be lazy read the instructions, as there are several important rules, for example, the bag should not touch the grill or the walls of the oven, the dish is placed on a baking sheet of room temperature, and only then goes to a hot oven., some packages withstand temperature up to 200 C and so on.
First of all, soak dried porcini mushrooms in cool water for 2 hours. Then we drain the water, wash the mushrooms a little – they are now ready for baking or other heat treatment.
We prepare vegetables: we grate carrots for Korean carrots or on a regular nozzle, cut the onion into cubes, you can completely finely to bake more, peeled potatoes – medium dice, quarters or stripes (as for fries), as you more likely.
Mix all vegetables with porcini mushrooms, send to the sleeve, there add vegetable oil, black pepper and tomato paste.
Mix everything, if it is not convenient to do in the package, then You can mix everything in advance in a separate bowl, and then shift in a package.
Put the sleeve on a baking sheet, set to bake in the oven for 30 min at a temperature of 180C, then reduce the temperature to 150C, hold another 20 minutes If you do not have the ability to regulate temperature, then bake potatoes at 180С until full readiness.
The whole kitchen is filled with the aroma of wild mushrooms and baked vegetables, this is the recipe that cooks quickly, without much time or money costs. All ingredients for cooking potatoes with mushrooms in the oven in the sleeve, do not require long preparation (not counting the soaking of mushrooms).
Baked vegetables with mushrooms in the sleeve
- potatoes, large tubers – 5 pcs.;
- onions – 1 pc.;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
- zucchini – 1 pc.;
- eggplant – 3 pcs.;
- large tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
- champignons – 5 pcs. (I took a large handful of dried ones);
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- garlic – 1 clove;
- salt, spices to taste.
First of all, I washed the eggplants, cut off their tails and cut into cubes, which she put in a plate and salt (so as not to bitter). Since I had dried mushrooms, I poured them with water and set aside, let them collect water. Do not do this with raw it’s necessary, it will be simple enough to clean, wash and cut cubes.
After I took up the cleaning and slicing of onions, carrots and potatoes. So that the chopped potato does not darken, it is flooded with water. I still have there was one zucchini in the refrigerator, which I also cut cubes. I added a couple of sweet pepper pods to it and Tomatoes
Washed eggplant with running water, squeezed it well and added to other vegetables. At this point, the mushrooms were saturated with water, you can drain and add to the vegetable mixture. I then used water in cooking mushroom soup.
All vegetables are cut and prepared. Just a few touches left – salt, add spices and chopped garlic, mayonnaise and vegetable oil. The whole mixture was carefully transferred and transferred to prepared sleeve. Having tied it, I made a couple of punctures a toothpick at the top. Now the sleeve is ready to go to preheated oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees.
Look at the photo for potato recipes with mushrooms in the sleeve, presented above:
Potato with mushrooms and meat in a baking sleeve
- 500 g meat
- 8 medium potatoes
- 250 g champignon
- 1 bell pepper (can be frozen)
- 1 large onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 fresh tomato (or dressing for tomato soup)
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce
- Provencal herbs (0.5 teaspoon)
- 4 pepper mix
- Vegetable oil, salt to taste
First you need to marinate the meat a little:
- We cut the meat in squares or whetstones. I took the pork.
- To it we add garlic passed through a crush to a cup.
- Peel the onion and cut into a quarter rings.
- Pepper with a mixture of four peppers and add a little Provence herbs. Seasonings and herbs – at your discretion, you can also take a mixture of Italian herbs and add various greens: dill, parsley basil, etc.
- Add chopped bell pepper fresh or frozen.
- Add soy sauce.
- Add chopped tomatoes or twisted tomatoes.
- Wash mushrooms, cut into slices, cover the meat on top and lightly tamp.
- Salting meat is not necessary, we have already added soy sauce, and it is very salty and that’s enough.
- Cover it all and marinate for 3040 minutes at room temperature.
- During this time, peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, the remaining also wash the mushrooms and cut as you like, but not too finely.
- We bind the roasting sleeve on one side, put it in him potatoes, slightly salt it, and add a little sunflower oil, mushrooms and meat (together with the resulting liquid).
- Tie the sleeve on the second side and mix it well content.
- Put the sleeve with potatoes and meat on a baking sheet, prick top sleeve with a toothpick to release steam in 34 places.
- We send potatoes with mushrooms and meat in the sleeve to the heated 180 degrees oven bake for about 1 hour.
- When potatoes with meat and mushrooms baked in the sleeve will be ready, take it out of the oven, cut the sleeve on top in the middle.
- We spread potatoes with meat and mushrooms, cooked in a sleeve for baking, and generously pour over the resulting sauce.
Baked potato with mushrooms and chicken in a sleeve in the oven
Baked chicken in a sleeve with potatoes
- 1 chicken (1.5–2 kg),
- 10 medium potatoes,
- half a kilo of any mushrooms,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- 200–250 g sour cream,
- salt, pepper, spices to taste
100-150 g of sour cream mixed with 2 grated cloves of garlic, add salt, pepper and spices. Grate with this mixture washed and dried chicken, leave for 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into 2-3 parts, sprinkle with salt, pepper and mix with the remaining sour cream. Mushrooms cut into medium pieces, mix with potato. Put the chicken in the baking sleeve, put it around potatoes with mushrooms. Tie the sleeves in several places make punctures (if they are not) so that the sleeve does not burst. Put in unheated oven, bake for 1.5–2 hours at a temperature of 180 ° C. Remove the finished chicken with potatoes and mushrooms from the sleeve, cut into portioned pieces.
Chicken with potatoes and tomatoes in the sleeve
- Potato – 1 Kilogram
- Chicken – 500 Gram
- Mushrooms – 300 Gram
- Hard cheese – 100 grams
- Mayonnaise – 50 Gram
- Onion – 1 Piece
- Tomato – 2 Pieces
- Vegetable oil – 2 Tbsp. spoons
- Salt – To taste
- Pepper – To taste
- So, for starters, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into plates medium sized. Mix raw potatoes with mayonnaise and seasoning, and let it lie on the side.
- In the meantime, defrost the chicken fillet, divide it into pieces, and roll in seasonings, spices, salt and pepper – to your a choice.
- Now wash the onions and tomatoes, cut and thin ringlets. Mushrooms can be divided in half (whoever loves), but you can chop finely.
- First, put half the potatoes in one layer, then – meat, then mushrooms, then the rest of the potatoes.
- Level the potato layer a little, and lay the layer on top tomatoes and onions. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, and preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. To cook potatoes with mushrooms in in the oven, in the sleeve you need to make several holes, in order so that it does not burst (if there are holes on it, then do not).